Saturday 13 January 2007

Jack Getze is finally published

A former reporter for the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner and the Los Angeles Times, Jack Getze covered financial and economic issues for more than 15 years. Switching professions, Getze later sold stocks and bonds for a regional securities firm on the New Jersey Shore . His debut novel, BIG NUMBERS, is due to hit the bookstores in February 2007. After 38 years of writing and receiving numerous rejections, Jack is finally getting published.

Here’s a short synopsis of BIG NUMBERS:

Three weeks ago, stockbroker Austin Carr's home was a truck-mounted camper. Behind in alimony and child-support payments, Carr was desperate to earn his children back and escape the Jersey Shore 's third-rate stock and bond trade.
But life has gotten worse. Now he's about to be murdered, tied to a live, six-hundred-pound Giant Bluefin tuna.

For more information about Jack Getze and his novel, visit:
For Jack’s full bio, visit:

1 comment:

  1. You can read our review of Big Numbers and a brief interview with this intriguing author on our blog:


    Liz Clifford
    Because life is too short for mediocre books!
