Monday 2 March 2009

Remembering Barbara Franchi

I am sad to report that Barbara Franchi passed away last weekend. I have written a piece about her life and work setting up Reviewing The Evidence [RTE] at The Rap Sheet - here

I will miss her infectious laughter. The photograph here taken at Thrillerfest 2006 in Phoenix with Stav Sherez and Zoe Sharp is how I will remember her laughter and enthusiasm. She was a wonderful part of the Crime and Thriller Genre and will be missed by us all.


  1. This seems to be a winter where we lost a lot of giants, Barbara among them.

    I remember you taking that picture at the first ThrillerFest - and Barbara - with great affection. She will be much missed.

  2. That's a lovely pic, which I hadn't seen before. Thanks for the kind words, Ali. We're all going to miss Barbara so much at RTE.

