Thursday 21 May 2009

Newsy Stuff

Comic Crime writer Christopher Brookmyre has been shortlisted for the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse prize. Christopher Brookmyre is a previous winner of this award. He won it in 2006 with his novel All Fun and Games Until Someone Loses an Eye. This year the nominated book is A Snowball in Hell. See here for further information.

According to the Sunday Times, the former partner of the best selling author Stieg Laarson is currently locked in battle with the family over the crime writer's fortune. See here for further information.

Radio 4 is going to be having a Le Carre-fest as it starts to dramatise all of John Le Carré's eight Smiley novels on the radio. Radio 4 will begin the dramastisation on Radio 4 on Saturday (23 May) with the Call of the Dead. The other books that are due to be dramatised will be A Murder of Quality, The Spy who came in from the Cold The Looking Glass War, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, The Honourable Schoolboy, Smiley's People and the Secret Pilgrim. See here for further information.


  1. I nearly fell off my chair laughing when I read that John le Carre had written a book called The Honourable Snowman. I wonder what he could have done with the work, had he actually taken the chance on such a revolutionary story idea.


  2. What can I say? It's a schoolboy past time. Text now corrected.
    Thanks Jeff, we like to make our readers smile :-)

  3. 'All Fun And Games..' is a gem of a book. He's a top writer.

  4. I hold my hands up and say that I should never post things when I am tired!
