Monday 24 September 2012

Sakey’s Scar Tissue

The Shots team would like you to support the efforts of bestselling writer Marcus Sakey as he supports a charity close to his heart, one that battles childhood cancer. Marcus Sakey is releasing an eBook entitled Scar Tissue to raise funds for the Team Julian Foundation. Marcus spoke candidly about this venture with Joe Konrath here

The Team Julian Foundation, a not-for-profit that raises research funds for childhood cancer, is teaming up with an acclaimed thriller novelist to raise money through e-book sales. The foundation was started by The Boivin family in memory of their son Julian who was diagnosed with an incurable brain tumor at the age of 4. Marcus Sakey, television host and author living in Chicago, is a personal friend of Brad and Nettie Boivin, and together, they are using the growing popularity of e-books to raise money for a worthy cause.

Marcus Sakey published his first book in 2007, but his friendship with the Boivin’s and their son Julian started long before his writing success. Seeing first-hand how the popularity of e-books and independent publishing is changing the publishing industry, decided to use his readership to raise money for the cause. He collected seven short stories and published the e-anthology, Scar Tissue. During the month of September, Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month, 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the Team Julian Foundation. After that, he will contribute 50% of the proceeds.

Sakey knew Julian since he was born and he was a sweet, happy-go-lucky kid. But Julian’s life changed dramatically one terrible morning in 2010 when he woke up feeling disoriented. His parents rushed him to the hospital, where Julian was diagnosed with an atypical brain stem glioma.

“One of the most terrifying nightmares a parent could ever face is learning that their child has cancer,” Nettie Boivin recalls. “What’s worse is when they’re told that a cure does not exist.”
The Boivins lost their son just 7 months later and created Team Julian shortly thereafter. Since its inception, the foundation has raised over $100K for pediatric cancer research. It is completely volunteer- based which means funds go directly to supporting research that ultimately leads to breakthroughs in cures for brain tumors and childhood cancer.
The e-book revolution has already changed the way we read, but now, it’s changing our ability to raise funds. Unlike gala dinners or organized walks, Scar Tissue will provide funds to the Team Julian foundation for years to come.

Boivin states, “Knowing Julian’s friendship with Marcus and their affinity for playing out stories of good and evil, Jules would be so proud to know his pal has joined forces to beat the ultimate bad guy - pediatric cancer.”

Buy Scar Tissue from : AmazonB&N

More information available from –

Shots would like to thank Dana Kaye of Kaye Publicity for alerting us about this venture

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