In my latest
novel The Perplexing Theft of the Jewel in the Crown, book 2 in the Baby Ganesh
Detective Agency series, Inspector Ashwin Chopra (Retd) is on the trail of the
legendary Koh-i-noor diamond, aided by his sidekick, one-year-old baby elephant
The Koh-i-noor, once the world’s most valuable jewel, was originally
mined in India, ‘appropriated’ by the British during the Raj, and gifted to
Queen Victoria, who had it installed in the British Crown Jewels. In my book
the Koh-i-noor is brought to Mumbai for a special exhibition where it is
promptly stolen in a daring heist from a heavily guarded room.
Fanciful? Not
The theft of
priceless jewels has been surprisingly common throughout the ages. Indeed, if
Hollywood is anything to go by, it is a fairly straightforward endeavor: a gang
of misfits, a little planning, some crafty tech wizardry, an insider or two, and
Bob-the-jewel-thief’s your uncle.
One only has to
look at some of the best known heists down the ages: In 1983 Brinx Mat robbers
made away with three tons of gold bullion, and a large volume of uncut diamonds
they hadn’t even known were there; 1994, Cannes, France – $60m worth of gems were
stolen from the Carlton Hotel when robbers came in spraying bullets – police
later discovered there were no bullet holes anywhere: the guns were fakes. In Dec
2002, $12m dollars of diamonds vanished from the Museon in The Hague, in spite
of motion sensors, CCTV, and 24hr security guards. To this day, no one has any
idea how the robbery was carried out.
Of course, not
all would-be jewel heisters are so successful.
In 2000 thieves
burst into London’s Millennium Dome, armed to the gills, in an attempt to steal
$700m worth of diamonds. Sadly for them, the authorities had been tipped off,
and were on hand – dressed as cleaners – to take down the hapless miscreants.
attempts have even been made to steal the Crown Jewels, most notably by
Irishman Thomas Blood back in the seventeenth century. Disguised as a parson,
Blood befriended ‘Keeper of the Jewels’ Talbot Edwards at the Tower of London. On
9th May 1671, 'Parson Blood' arrived with his 'nephew'. While the 'nephew' was
getting acquainted with his daughter Edwards led the way to the Jewels for a private
viewing. Blood promptly knocked him cold with a mallet then, to add injury to
injury, stabbed him with a sword. Blood attempted to make off with a crown,
scepter and orb – all stuffed down his breeches – but the fleeing faux parson
was swiftly arrested. In custody Blood stated: "I'll answer to none but
the King himself". His Irish charm and King Charles’ well-known liking for
audacious scoundrels earned him a royal pardon.
In my novel,
the thieves are somewhat more successful, making off with the Koh-i-noor, once
the world’s most famous diamond, a legendary jewel that, over the centuries,
has cursed those who have attempted to possess it. With the British and Indian
governments at each other’s throats over the matter, Inspector Chopra is tasked
to solve a puzzling locked-room mystery, once again weaving his way through the
vibrant, enigmatic backdrop of modern India.
The Perplexing
Theft of the Jewel in the Crown is out in paperback on March 23rd, and includes
a bonus short story: Murder on Elephanta Island.

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