Friday 24 July 2020

St Hilda's Virtual Crime Fiction, 14/15 August - now bookable

The suspense is finally over. Booking for the 2020 Virtual Crime Fiction Event is open!
The Committee, our Hon Fellows-in-Crime, and I, are delighted to report that all the speakers planned for 2020 will be joining us for this live virtual event running from Friday evening through to Saturday evening.
Our theme remains ‘All Our Yesterdays’: historical crime fiction.
Find yourself unleashed upon the London of the Swinging Sixties, the winding backstreets of 1950s Bombay, the gin shops and brothels of Georgian London, and backstage on Brighton pier - all in pursuit of Murder.

 We shall we have the traditional Guest Of Honour session and the dramatic Whodunnit, both courtesy of Andrew Taylor, without whom no historical crime fiction event would be complete.
Whodunnit: The Murder Of Lucy Ackroyd 
is a chillingly implausible tale set in Oxford.
The hideous murder of a literary novelist takes place in a former women’s
college located in the academic badlands beyond Magdalen Bridge.
Starring: Chief Inspector Andrew Taylor, Val McDermid, Sarah Hilary,
Abir Mukherjee, and Mick Herron.
(And yours truly as the Senior Tutor, 'a woman of strong but warped passions'.)
So, please, head over to the website, peruse the programme, the speakers and
their subjects, both fresh meat and usual suspects.
We look forward to seeing you.

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