Brookes secured world rights for The Cruellest Game and one as yet untitled novel. The Cruellest Game is scheduled for publication in 2013.
Hilary Bonner says,
“I am absolutely thrilled to have joined Pan Macmillan and been given this wonderful opportunity to write stand-alone psychological thrillers. This without doubt marks a return to my roots and what I feel I do best. It also gives me the chance to work with Wayne Brookes, whom I have known and admired for many years. And I am pleased to be able to report that the first book, The Cruellest Game, is already well under way. It traces the calamitous sequence of events which befall an apparently near perfect family following unexpected revelations of lies and duplicity.”
Wayne Brookes comments,
“When I heard that Hilary wanted to write another thriller, I couldn’t have been happier. She’s the queen of the twist in the tale and The Cruellest Game is a fabulous example of expert plotting. Hilary is a wonderful storyteller and is the perfect fit for Pan Mac.”
Tony Peake says,
‘'In these uncertain times, it's doubly rewarding and hugely exciting for an agent to see an editor and a writer click like Hilary and Wayne have done. Their shared vision and enthusiasm will, I am sure, bring forth spectacular results.”
Hilary Bonner is the former Show Business Editor of the Daily Mirror and the Mail on Sunday. A former Chair of the Crime Writers’ Association, she is the author of nine novels and five works of non-fiction and now lives in the West Country, where she was born and raised.
For more information, please contact Liz Sich at Colman Getty on 020 7631 2666; liz@colmangetty.co.uk

According to Katie Allen at the Bookseller, Orion is to publish a new novel by George Pelecanos, a writer on TV show "The Wire", as a late addition to its spring schedules.
What It Was, a noir thriller set in 1970s Washington DC, will be published as a £25 signed and numbered hardback collectors edition and a £9.99 trade paperback on 9th February. Orion will also simultaneously publish the title as a £5.99 e-book [pictured] price-promoting it for 99p for the first month.
Editor Bill Massey bought UK and Commonwealth rights in the title in October 2011 directly from Little, Brown US. He said: "George delivered this novel unexpectedly, so we’re really publishing it as a one-off, as a treat for his fans, with spectacular-looking print editions alongside a low-priced e-book to attract new readers.

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